Sunday, January 15, 2012

William So 蘇永康 Malaysia Promo Tour 2012

This is the 1st time ever I captured so less photo for celebrity appearance. Why this happen? This is because he only have one pattern from the beginning till the end of the show. Moreover, the show just took about half an hour. Nevertheless, he still give us the best performance by singing 那誰 to the audience.

William So 蘇永康 Malaysia Promo Tour 2012
William So 蘇永康
William So 蘇永康
William So 蘇永康

Monday, January 2, 2012

2012 Year New Layout - DSLR Freak Ver-2!

Its been 2 years since I last created my blog header and footer. As for today, I proudly present my new blog header and footer again for 2012. The layout design is much or less the same as previous template.

I promise I'll try to change the layout when I have mood to enhance it :)