Well, without any consideration, I straight away order a cup for a try. Blasphemy! Suddenly feel disappointed! What I have in my taste is just a "Normal" Coffee Ice with Milk. Shit, they should rephase the statement "To Make A CARAMEL MACCHIATO, We COMBINE LITTLE espresso, with A LOT of Milk Plus LITTLE Caramelly Sweetness AND RESPECT For Those Who Grow The Beans". To tell the truth, I didn't felt any taste of Caramel on this cup of Coffee. Maybe is it too little caramel added? or melted before I taste it?
First advise: Don't ever get cheated by the new naming invention
Second advise: Think twice before make any decision
Third advise: Don't waste your money on these so called "Caramel Macchiato"
Really not recommended and worthless!
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